Professional service for every type of skis.
We cover all neccessary for athletes of every level
Professional service for every type of skis.
We cover all neccessary for athletes of every level
“It isn’t easy to feel like heaven. But by staying on skis with us you can reach it.”
We try to work and improve day by day, to guarantee always the best to every athlete of all levels – from world cup to amateurs and to beginners.
We always use the best products
You, yes, we are searching for you. If you’re appassionated for working with skis and bikes – here you are right. Send your candidacy!
Opening hours: Monday to Saturday from 8:30-12 a.m. and from 2:30-6:30 p.m.
Corso Dolomiti 23b, I – 38037 Predazzo (TN)
Phone: +39 0462 501903
P.Iva: 01806850226
we love what we do. Join Us.
Erogazioni pubbliche 2018-2023
Gli aiuti di Stato e gli aiuti de minimis ricevuti dalla nostra impresa sono contenuti nel Registro nazionale degli aiuti di Stato di cui all’art. 52 della L. 234/2012” e consultabili al seguente link, inserendo come chiave di ricerca nel campo Codice Fiscale VRCSFN64L19E847J